LAPIP – Laser Assisted Perio-Implant Procedure
The last 20 years have seen a revolution in dentistry, especially in the field of Dental Implants. Gone are the days where patients have to suffer from loose-fitting dentures, and removable partials that cause damage to adjacent teeth. Dental Implants are here to stay and are overwhelmingly successful when placed and restored by experienced Dentists and Dental Surgeons.
Despite our best efforts, we are seeing more and more complications with implants. This is a condition we call “Peri-Implantitis”. Many times, implants can get infected under the gum line, which can result in bone loss around the implant, and in some cases loss of the implant itself. Complications due to systemic disease, medications, and simply enough, aging can all lead to this problem.
Until recently, the only treatment for an “ailing” implant was either extensive surgical repair and in most cases, removal of the implant and waiting for a new one to be placed.
With the advent of LAPIP, which is a specific laser surgery procedure (does not involve a scalpel or stitches), we are able to treat the infections and arrest the disease, and in some cases regenerate new bone around the implant itself!
LAPIP — which stands for Laser Assisted Peri-Implant Procedure, is the only FDA cleared laser procedure to treat ailing dental implants.
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